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Home English English In recent months, Facebook has been literally flooded with Russian propaganda depicting the beauty of the Russian Federation and the Russian people. In reality, these are fakes, collages, doctored images and AI products.

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mini_russianpropagandawoman.pngPerhaps you have also come across these pages on Facebook - a beautiful photograph of a foreign city labeled as Moscow, Sevastopol, or another Russian city. In reality, it is a completely different place - perhaps from Spain, Brazil, the USA, or the UK - and the label and description are entirely fabricated. Similarly, photos of beautiful women in military uniforms create the impression that they are members of the Russian army. But... appearances can be deceiving; it is actually a hoax.

Photos of this type are widely shared on various Facebook pages or groups (a shorter list can be found at the end of this article), which appear completely innocuous - such as world curiosities, world beauties, wonders of the world, etc. In reality, they are products of (pro)Russian propaganda, which gain positive reactions, followers, likes, and reach in this way. These misleading photos are also mixed with real photos with truthful captions, making it difficult for many social media users to discern what is true and what is false. 

Some examples for illustration:

Night in Moscow, the city of hope in Russia? (Source

Not Moscow, but Chicago, Willis Tower, Illinois (Source, Source)

A beautiful sunny day in Moscow? (Source

In reality, Fort Lauderdale in Miami, Florida, USA (Source, Source)

Of course, when I run a page called Places of World, I fill it with images of unbeatable Russian military technology (Source).

Incidentally, occupied territories of Ukraine (e.g., Donetsk) are labeled as Russian, not Ukrainian, on these groups and pages.

Another type of propaganda pages and groups on Facebook targets military issues (army, military), sharing various types of military equipment, but also, for example, photos of smiling soldiers - especially women, who are “allegedly” serving in the Russian army. In reality, however, many of these photos feature individuals from entirely different countries, with users being deceived by omnipresent Russian flags.

A real Russian pilot piloting a Sukhoi SU-24? (Source)


No, actually a member of the Israeli army, as indicated by the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) patch on the sleeve (Source, Source, Source

Russian pilots boarding an aircraft? (Source

No, not Russians, but Swedish pilots (Source)

Father, a Russian Sukhoi pilot, hugging his son? (Source)


Or simply a photo stolen from photographer Miranda Boller’s album Welcome Home, Warlords (US Navy)


AI in the Service of Propaganda

A significant portion of the materials shared in these groups is created using generative artificial intelligence. The photos do not reflect reality but are merely a perfect illusion - a product of artificial intelligence. A keen observer, however, can clearly see the mistakes left behind by AI tools. For illustration:


A team of Russian female pilots! (Source)


Except they are generated by artificial intelligence (you can test it, e.g., here). Notice, for example, the fingers of the pilot on the far right and reveal fragments of AI generation. Incidentally, the same photo - but with different flags on the sleeves of the women - can be found here.


Girls from Moscow from the FB page World Beautiful Places (Source)


Except they are again likely generated by artificial intelligence (you can test it, e.g., here). Notice how many fingers, for instance, the second girl from the left has - what happened to her thumb? Also focus on the appearance of the eyes. 

Facebook Fails to Detect and Remove Fraudulent Content

Unfortunately, the social network Facebook and the company Meta fail to remove (or at least label) this content. Despite repeated reports of the content, new pages spreading misinformation, falsehoods, and lies continue to emerge.

In conclusion, it should be reminded that the world presented to us on social networks is often not real. Photos, stories, and information that seem appealing and convincing can be just a carefully crafted tool of manipulation. Therefore, it is essential to approach online content critically, verify sources, and not be swayed by emotions that may be deliberately provoked. In the digital world, where truth often gives way to viral content, the adage remains more valid than ever: Trust but verify. Only then can we resist disinformation and avoid being manipulated.

For E-Bezpečí
Kamil Kopecký
Palacký University in Olomouc


Short List of Facebook Pro-Russian Propaganda Pages with Fraudulent Content

Jak citovat tento text:
KOPECKÝ, Kamil. Facebook je v posledních měsících doslova zaplaven ruskou propagandou, která zobrazuje krásy Ruské federace a ruského lidu. Ve skutečnosti jde o podvrhy, koláže, upravené obrázky a produkty AI. (2). E-Bezpečí, roč. 9 (2024), č. 2, s. 40-43. ISSN 2571-1679. Dostupné z:


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