mini_onlyfans.pngIn recent years, the OnlyFans platform has attracted unprecedented attention. Some see it as a revolution in online entertainment, while others warn of potential risks associated with explicit content and the lack of protection for underage users. So, what is the allure (and danger) of this platform that attracts millions of people worldwide? And why should we be cautious about who uses it and how?

mini_mysterybox.pngMystery boxy se v posledních letech staly obrovským hitem, zvláště mezi mladými lidmi. Tato online zábava, kdy si uživatel zakoupí krabici s neznámým obsahem, ale nese značná rizika a mnozí odborníci ji dokonce považují za formu hazardu. Jaká nebezpečí se za mystery boxy skrývají?

mini_boyandrobot.jpg One of the key features of large language models of generative artificial intelligence is their ability to converse with us through natural human language. This naturally leads us to personify these AI tools and attribute human traits to them – it becomes our virtual assistant, persona, friend, helper, and in many cases, even companion. AI conversational tools compete effectively with living people, raising the question of whether in the near future they might largely replace human conversation – after all, AI does not argue, apologizes, avoids conflict, does not explode with emotions, motivates us, praises us, is not aggressive, and we don’t have to apologize to it, among other things.

mini_russianpropagandawoman.pngPerhaps you have also come across these pages on Facebook - a beautiful photograph of a foreign city labeled as Moscow, Sevastopol, or another Russian city. In reality, it is a completely different place - perhaps from Spain, Brazil, the USA, or the UK - and the label and description are entirely fabricated. Similarly, photos of beautiful women in military uniforms create the impression that they are members of the Russian army. But... appearances can be deceiving; it is actually a hoax.

mini_factninjalogo.jpg In today's digital world, manipulative techniques are becoming an increasingly common part of public communication, particularly in pre-election campaigns and often fraudulent advertising. The E-Bezpečí team from the Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, is offering an innovative solution – the FactNinja application. This unique tool, powered by the advanced GPT-4 Omni artificial intelligence model, allows for fast and efficient analysis of graphical content to uncover manipulative techniques, argumentative fallacies, and other unethical practices aimed at influencing public opinion.


Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
(1. místo)
Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

Partneři a spolupracující instituce


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