mini_factninjalogo.jpg In today's digital world, manipulative techniques are becoming an increasingly common part of public communication, particularly in pre-election campaigns and often fraudulent advertising. The E-Bezpečí team from the Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, is offering an innovative solution – the FactNinja application. This unique tool, powered by the advanced GPT-4 Omni artificial intelligence model, allows for fast and efficient analysis of graphical content to uncover manipulative techniques, argumentative fallacies, and other unethical practices aimed at influencing public opinion.

FactNinja is a web application that can be used without registration. Users simply upload graphical materials, such as images, posters, or flyers, and within seconds they receive a detailed analysis. This analysis identifies potential manipulative techniques, such as distorting facts, inducing unwarranted fear, or using emotional arguments to influence the recipient's decisions.


The tool is designed to carry out the analysis entirely by artificial intelligence, without any human intervention. This ensures objectivity and consistency in the results,” explains Professor Kamil Kopecký, head of the E-Bezpečí team at Palacký University in Olomouc. “At a time when unethical practices are becoming a common part of political campaigns and marketing strategies, FactNinja is an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to have an overview of the truthfulness and ethics of the information presented to them.

FactNinja is not only intended for analyzing political campaigns. The tool is equally effective in examining ordinary advertisements, satire, memes, or any other graphic content. In this way, users can easily defend themselves against hidden manipulations and better understand how they are being influenced by visual media content.

We also tested our AI ninja on posts from various politicians on social networks to see if their communication was also manipulative or unethical. Even here, our tool generated interesting results that quite accurately identified the tricks the authors used,” adds Kopecký.

FactNinja can also be used in educational settings, where it can be utilized by media education or language teachers. Through this tool, students can analyze how advertisements influence us and what manipulative techniques they use. For example, they can study how advertisements work with emotions, such as fear, to persuade consumers to take certain actions or make decisions. FactNinja thus contributes not only to the development of critical thinking but also to a better understanding of how media and advertising shape our perception of the world.


FactNinja uses advanced GPT-4 Omni technology, allowing it to recognize and analyze a wide range of manipulative techniques with a high degree of accuracy. However, it is important to note that despite the sophistication of this technology, the analysis may not always be completely accurate. Nevertheless, FactNinja is a very useful tool that can significantly contribute to identifying unethical practices and manipulations in graphic content. The analysis results can provide users with valuable insights for further critical investigation and verification of information.


FactNinja represents a significant step forward in the fight against disinformation and manipulations in the digital environment. This tool, developed by experts from the Faculty of Education at Palacký University in Olomouc, is available to anyone who wants to better understand how graphic content is used to influence the public. Not only does it raise awareness of ethics in communication, but it also promotes critical thinking and defends against false and misleading information. Furthermore, it can become an invaluable educational tool for teachers who want to demonstrate the workings of manipulative techniques in practice to their students.

Note: The tool is free and was created without any grant support – either from public or private sectors – solely from the need to test the limits and possibilities of AI use. To keep it free, we would greatly appreciate it if you could support its operation and development (analyses use a paid AI model, which incurs costs). You can do so through the icon at the bottom right of the application website (BuyMeACoffee) to support its creators. Many thanks!

You can find the application at, or at

E-Bezpečí Editorial Team


Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
(1. místo)
Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

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