mini_russianpropagandawoman.pngYou might have come across these Facebook pages too—beautiful photos of a foreign city labeled as Moscow, Sevastopol, or another city in Russia. In reality, these images are of entirely different places—perhaps from Spain, Brazil, the USA, or the UK—and the labels and descriptions are completely fabricated. Similarly, photographs of stunning women in military uniforms give the impression that they are members of the Russian army. However, appearances can be deceiving; it is all a hoax.

These types of photos are widely shared on various Facebook pages or groups (a short list can be found at the end of this article), which appear completely innocent—such as world wonders, world beauties, or world wonders, etc. In reality, they are products of (pro)Russian propaganda, which gains positive responses, followers, likes, and reach in this manner. These misleading photos are additionally mixed with real photos and truthful captions, making it difficult for many social media users to discern truth from lies.

Here are some examples for illustration:

Night in Moscow, the city of hope in Russia? (Source

No Moscow, this is Chicago, Willis Tower, Illinois (Source, Source)

A sunny day in Moscow? (Source

Actually Fort Lauderdale in Miami, Florida, USA (Source, Source)


In conclusion, the digital world often presents an illusory version of reality. Photos, stories, and information that seem appealing and convincing may just be carefully crafted tools of manipulation. Hence, it is crucial to approach online content critically, verify sources, and resist being swayed by emotions deliberately evoked. In a digital world where truth often takes a backseat to viral content, the principle "Trust but verify" is more important than ever. Only by doing so can we become resilient to disinformation and avoid being manipulated.

For E-Bezpečí
Kamil Kopecký
Palacký University in Olomouc

Short list of pro-Russian propaganda Facebook pages with fraudulent content

Jak citovat tento text:
KOPECKÝ, Kamil. Facebook je v posledních měsících doslova zaplaven ruskou propagandou, která zobrazuje krásy Ruské federace a ruského lidu. Ve skutečnosti jde o podvrhy, koláže, upravené obrázky a produkty AI. (2). E-Bezpečí, roč. 9 (2024), č. 2, s. 40-43. ISSN 2571-1679. Dostupné z:


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