mini_digitalniwellbeing.jpgIn the digital era we live in, technology has become an inseparable part of our lives. From smartphones to social media, from online work to digital entertainment—our interactions with technology are ubiquitous. This digital revolution, however, brings not only benefits but also challenges that can affect our physical and mental health. One term that has been increasingly discussed in recent years is "digital wellbeing." But what does it actually mean, and why is it important?


What is digital wellbeing?

Digital wellbeing can be defined as a state where an individual uses technology in a way that supports their physical and mental health, productivity, and overall wellbeing. It is the ability to find a balance between time spent online and offline, ensuring that technology serves as a tool rather than becoming an addiction or a source of stress.

Key aspects of digital wellbeing

  1. Balance between online and offline time: One of the main principles of digital wellbeing is the ability to find a healthy balance between time spent in the digital world and time dedicated to real-life interactions, hobbies, and rest.

  2. Control over technology: This includes the ability to set boundaries, such as limiting time spent on social media or using apps to monitor time spent online.

  3. Positive use of technology: Technology should be used to support personal and professional growth, for example, through online courses, meditation apps, or digital tools to enhance productivity.

  4. Mental and physical health: Digital wellbeing also involves preventing the negative impacts of technology on health, such as sleep disorders caused by blue light from screens, or physical problems associated with prolonged sitting and poor ergonomics when working on a computer.

Why is digital wellbeing important?

  1. Prevention of addiction: Excessive use of technology can lead to addiction, which negatively impacts interpersonal relationships, work, and overall quality of life. Digital wellbeing helps prevent these negative consequences.

  2. Support for mental health: Constant access to information and social networks can cause stress, anxiety, and depression. The right approach to technology can help improve mental health by reducing stress factors and promoting relaxation.

  3. Increase in productivity: Efficient use of technology can lead to increased productivity and better time management, positively impacting work performance and personal achievements.

  4. Quality of life: Balance between the digital and real world contributes to overall satisfaction and quality of life. It allows people to take advantage of technology's benefits without sacrificing their physical and mental health.


How to achieve digital wellbeing?

  1. Set boundaries: Determine when you will and will not use technology. For example, set a rule that you will not use your phone after a certain hour in the evening.

  2. Use time-tracking tools: There are many apps that can help you track how much time you spend on different devices and apps. This can help you identify areas where you can reduce your online time.

  3. Engage in offline activities: Include activities in your daily routine that do not require the use of technology, such as reading books, exercising, walking in nature, or meeting with friends.

  4. Rest regularly: Ensure you get enough sleep and take regular breaks during the day to prevent overwork and fatigue.

Digital wellbeing is an increasingly relevant topic in our technologically advanced world. It is important to recognize the significant impact technology has on our daily lives and find ways to use it positively and balanced. By doing so, we can improve not only our productivity and efficiency but also our overall quality of life.

Prof. Kamil Kopecký
Palacký University in Olomouc
in collaboration with GPT-4 artificial intelligence

Jak citovat tento text:
KOPECKÝ, Kamil. Digitální wellbeing: Co to je a proč je důležitý? (2). E-Bezpečí, roč. 9 (2024), č. 1, s. 80-82. ISSN 2571-1679. Dostupné z:


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