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mini meta logoYou may have experienced this as well - someone unknown contacted you through Messenger on Facebook, claiming that your account or page violates the service terms and needs verification to prevent it from being blocked or deleted. The message is usually accompanied by the Meta Platforms logo (or another blue logo), and the account names often suggest that it could indeed be a report from Meta. However, it is a scam - phishing aimed at stealing your login credentials and taking over your account.

The messages include a link to a site where you are supposed to verify your account, but in reality, you are handing over your login credentials to online scammers. The language of the messages is designed to make you feel that it is something truly important, convincing you to react quickly - clicking on the link in the message. This principle is also how other phishing messages work. Meta blocks a large portion of these messages, but unfortunately, not all.



At first glance, we see a number of language errors (spelling, grammar, incomplete or incorrectly connected sentences, etc.). However, this is not always the case, as modern translators can produce very high-quality translations.


If you receive similar messages, do not be alarmed, do not click on any links, and simply delete the message (or report it to the real Meta Platforms).

For E-Bezpečí
Kamil Kopecký


Jak citovat tento text:
KOPECKÝ, Kamil. Internetoví podvodníci na Facebooku předstírají, že jste porušili podmínky služby a musíte si svůj účet ověřit, jinak bude uzamčen či zrušen. Jde však o podvod (phishing). (2). E-Bezpečí, roč. 8 (2023), č. 2, s. 72-73. ISSN 2571-1679. Dostupné z: https://www.e-bezpeci.cz/index.php?view=article&id=4097


Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
(1. místo)
Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

Partneři a spolupracující instituce


Generální partner projektu E-Bezpečí

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